(the) cold shoulder

(the) cold shoulder
Noun. The act of deliberately ignoring. Derived from the s.e. verb - to cold shoulder. E.g."She smiled straight at me but I gave her the cold shoulder."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • the cold shoulder — ► the cold shoulder intentional unfriendliness or rejection. Main Entry: ↑cold …   English terms dictionary

  • the cold shoulder — a show of intentional unfriendliness; rejection why is even his own family giving him the cold shoulder? * * * the cold shoulder : cold and unfriendly treatment from someone who knows you He got the cold shoulder from his former boss when he saw… …   Useful english dictionary

  • (the) cold shoulder — Noun. The act of deliberately ignoring. Derived from the s.e. verb  to cold shoulder. E.g. She smiled straight at me but I gave her the cold shoulder …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • To give one the cold shoulder — Cold Cold (k[=o]ld), a. [Compar. {Colder} ( [ e]r); superl. {Coldest}.] [OE. cold, cald, AS. cald, ceald; akin to OS. kald, D. koud, G. kalt, Icel. kaldr, Dan. kold, Sw. kall, Goth. kalds, L. gelu frost, gelare to freeze. Orig. p. p. of AS. calan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • the cold shoulder — a show of intentional unfriendliness; rejection. → cold …   English new terms dictionary

  • give someone the cold shoulder — give (someone/something) the cold shoulder to show no interest in someone or something. Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. I d love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice …   New idioms dictionary

  • give something the cold shoulder — give (someone/something) the cold shoulder to show no interest in someone or something. Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. I d love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice …   New idioms dictionary

  • give the cold shoulder — give (someone/something) the cold shoulder to show no interest in someone or something. Our town council has given the cold shoulder to a proposal to build a public swimming pool. I d love to know why Bill gave the cold shoulder to Janice …   New idioms dictionary

  • give someone the cold shoulder — give (someone) the cold shoulder to behave towards someone in a way that is not at all friendly, sometimes for reasons that this person does not understand. What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at the party …   New idioms dictionary

  • give the cold shoulder — give (someone) the cold shoulder to behave towards someone in a way that is not at all friendly, sometimes for reasons that this person does not understand. What have I done to him? He gave me the cold shoulder the whole evening at the party …   New idioms dictionary

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