
Exclam. Used to express surprise or astonishment.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Crikey — Crikey  австралийский возглас, выражающий удивление. Сокращение от «Христос царь» (англ. Christ the King). Стало известным из за частого употребления Стивом Ирвином[1]. Crikey (журнал)  австралийский электронный журнал. Crikey… …   Википедия

  • crikey — exclamation, 1838, probably one of the many substitutions for CHRIST (Cf. Christ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • crikey — ► EXCLAMATION Brit. informal ▪ an expression of surprise. ORIGIN euphemism for CHRIST(Cf. ↑Christly) …   English terms dictionary

  • crikey — [krī′kē] interj. [Brit. Slang] used to express surprise, wonder, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Crikey — This article is about the Australian political website. For the exclamation, see Minced oath. For the snail from Australia from the family Camaenidae, see Crikey steveirwini. front page. Crikey is an independent Australian… …   Wikipedia

  • crikey — interjection Used as an exclamation of astonishment, or as an emphasis of fact at the conclusion of a statement. Crikey, that’s a big one! ,Italian : cribbio, perbacco, dannazione, osteria, alla faccia Syn: criminy, cripes, crivvens …   Wiktionary

  • crikey — cri|key [ˈkraıki] interjection BrE spoken [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: Perhaps replacing Christ] used to show that you are surprised or annoyed ▪ Crikey, I m late! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Crikey — Another exclamation of surprise. Some people say Crikey Moses …   The American's guide to speaking British

  • crikey — [[t]kra͟ɪki[/t]] EXCLAM (feelings) Some people say crikey in order to express surprise, especially at something unpleasant. [INFORMAL] Syn: blimey …   English dictionary

  • crikey — interjection BrE informal used to show that you are surprised or annoyed: Oh crikey, I m going to miss the bus! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Crikey steveirwini — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Gas …   Wikipedia

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