- flicks
- Noun. 1. The cinema. E.g."Let's go to the flicks and watch that new British blockbuster."2. Films, movies, videos.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
flicks (the flicks) — n pl the cinema, films. An early slang term in all English speaking countries, derived from flicker or from the homemade moving pictures made by flicking cards. This form of the word is now obsolete in the USA and has rarely been heard in Britain … Contemporary slang
flicks — Rapid, involuntary fixation movements of the eye of 5–10 minutes of arc. SYN: flick movements … Medical dictionary
Flicks — 1. picture theatre, movie; 2. schoolyard game using collectible cards, in which the cards are flicked towards a wall, with certain conditions being applied to where or in what position they land … Dictionary of Australian slang
flicks — I Australian Slang 1. picture theatre, movie; 2. schoolyard game using collectible cards, in which the cards are flicked towards a wall, with certain conditions being applied to where or in what position they land II Everyday English Slang in… … English dialects glossary
flicks — movies, picture theatre … Kiwi (New Zealand slang)
flicks — n. (U.K. Slang) movies, cinema; rapid unintentional fixation motions of the eye of 5 to 10 minutes of arc (Medicine) flɪk n. tap, light slap; light sharp sound; quick movement (as of the fingers); film, movie, motion picture (Slang) v. hit… … English contemporary dictionary
flicks — pictures … Glossary of chat acronyms & text shorthand
flicks — Cinema … A concise dictionary of English slang
FLICKS — … Useful english dictionary
Newtown Flicks Short Film Festival — is held annually in and around the Sydney suburb of Newtown, Australia. Established as a non profit organization in 2006, Newtown Flicks became a national film festival in 2009. The festival was the brainchild of Martin Kelly, Bill Jordan and… … Wikipedia