for crying out loud!

for crying out loud!
Exclam. An exclamation of anger or frustration. Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • for crying out loud — (slang) An expression of frustration, impatience, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑cry * * * for crying out loud spoken phrase used for expressing anger For crying out loud, can’t you do anything right? Thesaurus: ways of emphasizing when you are annoyed… …   Useful english dictionary

  • for crying out loud — ► for crying out loud informal used to express irritation or impatience. Main Entry: ↑cry …   English terms dictionary

  • for crying out loud — {informal} Used as an exclamation to show that you feel surprised or cross. * /For crying out loud, look who s here!/ * /For crying out loud, that s the third time you ve done it wrong./ Compare: FOR ONE S SAKE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for crying out loud — {informal} Used as an exclamation to show that you feel surprised or cross. * /For crying out loud, look who s here!/ * /For crying out loud, that s the third time you ve done it wrong./ Compare: FOR ONE S SAKE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • for\ crying\ out\ loud — informal Used as an exclamation to show that you feel surprised or cross. For crying out loud, look who s here! For crying out loud, that s the third time you ve done it wrong. Compare: for one s sake …   Словарь американских идиом

  • for crying out loud — I am annoyed or surprised by this. No, I haven t bought her a present yet. Her birthday is a month away, for crying out loud. Usage notes: used for emphasis Related vocabulary: for Christ s sake, for goodness sake, for God s sake, for Pete s sake …   New idioms dictionary

  • For crying out loud! — informal something that you say when you are annoyed. For crying out loud! Can t you leave me alone even for a minute! …   New idioms dictionary

  • for crying out loud — spoken used for expressing anger For crying out loud, can t you do anything right? …   English dictionary

  • for crying out loud ! — • a expression of frustration or anger. For crying out loud can you hurry up ! …   Londonisms dictionary

  • for crying out loud —    This expression is used to show irritation, exasperation or anger.     For crying out loud, turn that television off! …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • for crying out loud — used to show that you are surprised or angry For crying out loud please turn your radio down a little …   Idioms and examples

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