balls (something) up

balls (something) up
Verb. To make a mess of a situation. E.g."I couldn't believe I ballsed up my driving test by making exactly the same mistake as the previous six times."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • balls something up — ˌballs sthˈup derived (BrE, taboo, slang) to spoil sth; to do sth very badly related noun ↑balls up  A more polite way of saying this is …   Useful english dictionary

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  • balls (something) up — Verb. To make a mess of a situation. E.g. I couldn t believe I ballsed up my driving test by making exactly the same mistake as the previous six times …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • balls up — (vulgar sl) 1. To make a muddle or mess of 2. To throw into confusion (ballsˈ up noun; ballsedˈ up adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑ball * * * ˌballs ˈup [transitive] [ …   Useful english dictionary

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