gen up on (something)

gen up on (something)
Verb phrs. To find out about (something). E.g."I'm getting a fish tank next week, so I've been genning up on tropical fish." Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • gen up (on something) — ˌgen ˈup (on sth) | ˌgen sb/yourself ˈup (on sth) derived (old fashioned, BrE, informal) to find out or give sb information about sth Main entry: ↑gen …   Useful english dictionary

  • gen up on (something) — Verb phrs. To find out about (something). E.g. I m getting a fish tank next week, so I ve been genning up on tropical fish. Informal …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • gen up on — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms gen up on : present tense I/you/we/they gen up on he/she/it gens up present participle genning up past tense genned up past participle genned up gen up on something to learn all that you can about a particular …   English dictionary

  • -gen — [jən, jen] [Fr gène < Gr genēs, born < base of gignesthai, to be born, become: see GENUS] suffix forming nouns 1. something that produces [hydrogen] 2. something produced (in a specified way) [pathogen]: Also gene …   English World dictionary

  • gen — gen1 [jen] n. 〚prob. < gen(eral information)〛 [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] the basic or general information about someone or something gen2 abbrev. 1. gender 2. genera 3. general 4 …   Universalium

  • gen — gen1 [jen] n. [prob. < gen(eral information)] [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] the basic or general information about someone or something gen2 abbrev. 1. gender 2. genera 3. general 4. generic 5. geni …   English World dictionary

  • gen somebody up (on something) — ˌgen ˈup (on sth) | ˌgen sb/yourself ˈup (on sth) derived (old fashioned, BrE, informal) to find out or give sb information about sth Main entry: ↑gen …   Useful english dictionary

  • gen yourself up (on something) — ˌgen ˈup (on sth) | ˌgen sb/yourself ˈup (on sth) derived (old fashioned, BrE, informal) to find out or give sb information about sth Main entry: ↑gen …   Useful english dictionary

  • -gen — comb. form technically meaning something produced, but mainly, in modern use, thing that produces or causes, from Fr. gène (18c.), from Gk. genes born of, produced by, related to genos birth (see GENUS (Cf. genus)). Originally in late 18th… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gen- —     gen     English meaning: to pinch, pluck, press, etc..     Deutsche Übersetzung: as basis for extensions der meaning “zusammendrũcken, kneifen, zusammenknicken; Zusammengedrũcktes, Geballtes”     Note: (Persson Beitr. 88 f.); therefrom are… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

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