get a life!

get a life!
Exclam. An instructional and admonishing statement to sort oneself out. Orig. U.S.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Get a life — is an originally American idiom and catch phrase usually intended as a taunt, to indicate that the person being so addressed is devoting an inordinate amount of time to trivial or hopeless matters. The phrase has also appeared as a generally more …   Wikipedia

  • get a life — phrasal : to stop wasting time on trivial or hopeless matters often used in the imperative * * * get a life see under ↑life • • • Main Entry: ↑get get a life (informal; usu in imperative) To start to live life to the full and do interesting… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Get A Life — Nolife  Cet article concerne le terme franglais. Pour la chaîne du même nom, voir Nolife (télévision). Un nolife (de l anglais « no life », littéralement « pas de vie » ou « sans vie ») est une personne qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Get a life — Nolife  Cet article concerne le terme franglais. Pour la chaîne du même nom, voir Nolife (télévision). Un nolife (de l anglais « no life », littéralement « pas de vie » ou « sans vie ») est une personne qui… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • get a life — 1. to have fun. With the time you save, you could learn Italian, paint your basement, even get a life. 2. to do something different. He needs to leave home and get a job – in short, he needs to get a life. Usage notes: often used as an… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Get a life! — exclam. Change your life radically! (See also Get real!) □ You are such a twit! Get a life! □ Get a life, you clown! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Get a life! — informal something that you say which means someone is boring and they should find more exciting things to do. You re surely not going to stay in and clean the house on a Saturday night oh, come on, get a life! (often an order) I hear him talking …   New idioms dictionary

  • get a life — change your lifestyle, get it together, get with it    He never goes out just stays at home and watches TV. I wish he would get a life! …   English idioms

  • get a life — spoken used for telling someone that they are boring Stop acting like an idiot and get a life! …   English dictionary

  • Get a life (disambiguation) — Get a life is an American English idiom and catchphrase usually intended as a taunt.Get a Life may also refer to:* Get a Life (TV series), an American sitcom starring Chris Elliott * Get a Life (UK TV series), a UK makeover programme * Get a Life …   Wikipedia

  • Get a Life (novel) — Get a Life (2005) is an ecological novel by South African writer Nadine Gordimer.The novel tells the story of environmental activist Paul Bannerman and his family. Paul is diagnosed with thyroid cancer and, after surgery and subsequent radiation… …   Wikipedia

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