get on one's wick

get on one's wick
Vrb phrs. To annoy.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • get on one's wick/tits — vb British to irritate, annoy or vex. The wick in question, unknown to many speakers, is a now rather archaic shortening of Hamp ton Wick, rhyming slang for prick (which is nowadays more usually shortened to hampton). In spite of the implied… …   Contemporary slang

  • Get on one's wick — irritate someone …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • get on one's wick — Australian Slang irritate someone …   English dialects glossary

  • get on one's tits — vb British to irritate, annoy or vex. The wick in question, unknown to many speakers, is a now rather archaic shortening of Hamp ton Wick, rhyming slang for prick (which is nowadays more usually shortened to hampton). In spite of the implied… …   Contemporary slang

  • wick, get on one's —  Irritate one …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • wick — I. n 1. British the penis. This sense of the word combines the candle wick as a phallic image and the London rhyming slang phrase Hampton Wick (for prick). Hampton Wick is a small community in the Southwest London suburbs, familiar to cockneys of …   Contemporary slang

  • Get one's wick wet — (of a man) to loose their virginity …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • get one's wick wet — Australian Slang (of a man) to loose their virginity …   English dialects glossary

  • wick — 1. n. 1 a strip or thread of fibrous or spongy material feeding a flame with fuel in a candle, lamp, etc. 2 Surgery a gauze strip inserted in a wound to drain it. Phrases and idioms: dip one s wick coarse sl. (of a man) have sexual intercourse.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wick — wick1 noun 1》 a strip of porous material up which liquid fuel is drawn by capillary action to the flame in a candle, lamp, or lighter. 2》 Medicine a gauze strip inserted in a wound to drain it. verb absorb or draw off (liquid) by capillary action …   English new terms dictionary

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