have had one's chips

have had one's chips
Vrb phrs. To have failed, been beaten or killed. Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • have had one's chips — 1. To have died 2. To have had and lost one s chance 3. To have been beaten • • • Main Entry: ↑chip …   Useful english dictionary

  • have had one's chips — ► have had one s chips Brit. informal be dead or out of contention. Main Entry: ↑chip …   English terms dictionary

  • have had one's chips Brit. — have had one s chips Brit. informal be dead or out of contention. → chip …   English new terms dictionary

  • have had one's chips — verb To be dead or finished. He must have had his chips, she thought, and our children will be born fatherless …   Wiktionary

  • had one's chips —    To say that someone has had their chips means that they have completely failed in what they set out to achieve.     After the second round, it looked as though Watson had had his chips …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • chips, have (had) one's —  1. Die.  2. Fail to succeed. Be finished …   A concise dictionary of English slang

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