
Noun. A mess. Dated expression and rarely heard. E.g."I made a complete horlicks of the situation."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Horlicks — is the name of a company and of a malted milk hot drink, which is claimed to promote sleep when consumed at bedtime. It is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline in the United Kingdom, India and Jamaica.India is by far the biggest market for Horlicks,… …   Wikipedia

  • Horlicks® — /hör liks/ noun A proprietary malt drink ORIGIN: After the original manufacturers, J and W Horlick • • • make a Horlicks of (slang) To make a complete mess of …   Useful english dictionary

  • Horlicks{™} — n [U] a make of hot drink, usually taken before going to bed to help you sleep better. It is sold as a powder, which is mixed with hot milk or water, and was first made in the US. The expression make a Horlicks of something is used in informal… …   Universalium

  • Horlicks — 1. noun a) a malted milk hot bedtime drink b) bollocks – a muddle, hash or balls up 2 …   Wiktionary

  • horlicks — n British a mess, an unpalatable or confused mix ture. The trade name of a bedtime drink has here been appropriated as a euphe mism for bollocks. The word is used by all social classes and began to appear in print in the late 1980s. ► how to make …   Contemporary slang

  • Horlicks — UK [ˈhɔː(r)lɪks] / US [ˈhɔrlɪks] trademark a hot drink made with milk that people drink before going to bed to help them to relax • make a Horlicks of something …   English dictionary

  • Horlicks (horse) — Horlicks (born 1983) was an outstanding thoroughbred racemare from New Zealand.A descendant of Nearco, the dark gray mare was owned by Graham de Gruchy of Hastings and trained by Dave and Paul O Sullivan. She won the lucrative, internationally… …   Wikipedia

  • HORLICKS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Horlicks™ — …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a Horlicks of something — phrase to make a lot of mistakes when you are doing something. People say this to avoid saying ’make a bollocks of something’. Thesaurus: to make a mistake, or to do something badlysynonym Main entry: Horlicks * * * make a ˈhorlicks of sth idiom …   Useful english dictionary

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