hot air

hot air
Noun. Empty talk, nonsense.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • hot air — n [U] things that someone says which are intended to sound impressive, but do not really mean anything or are not true ▪ The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hot air — Language that is full of words but means little or nothing is hot air …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • hot-air — hotˈ air adjective 1. Making use of heated air 2. Boastful, empty • • • Main Entry: ↑hot …   Useful english dictionary

  • hot air — noun uncount INFORMAL statements that sound impressive but are really not sincere or sensible …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • hot air — hot′ air′ n. Informal. inf empty or exaggerated talk or writing …   From formal English to slang

  • hot air — ► NOUN informal ▪ empty or boastful talk …   English terms dictionary

  • hot air — ☆ hot air n. Slang empty or pretentious talk or writing …   English World dictionary

  • hot air — noun a) Air that has been heated, especially so as to function as the lifting agent of a hot air balloon. The balloon was equipped with a burner to create hot air for lift. b) Empty, confused or exaggerated …   Wiktionary

  • hot air — N UNCOUNT (disapproval) If you say that someone s claims or promises are just hot air, you are criticizing them because they are made mainly to impress people and have no real value or meaning. [INFORMAL] His justification for the merger was just …   English dictionary

  • hot air — nonsense, exaggerated talk He is full of hot air and you can t rely on what he usually says. необоснованное преувеличение Don t рay any attention to him; what he told us was a lot of hot air …   Idioms and examples

  • hot air — informal if something that someone says is just hot air, it is not sincere and will have no practical results. Their promises turned out to be just so much hot air …   New idioms dictionary

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