job's a good'un!

job's a good'un!
Exclam. Expressing a thing or situation is good.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • job — W1S1 [dʒɔb US dʒa:b] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(work)¦ 2¦(duty)¦ 3¦(something you must do)¦ 4 on the job 5 I m only/just doing my job 6 it s more than my job s worth 7 do the job 8 have a job doing something/have a job to do something 9 do a job on… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • job — ► NOUN 1) a paid position of regular employment. 2) a task or piece of work. 3) informal a crime, especially a robbery. 4) informal a procedure to improve the appearance of something: a nose job. ► VERB (jobbed, jobbing) …   English terms dictionary

  • Job security through obscurity — (sometimes job security by obscurity) is a controversial tactic or strategy for career development, which attempts to achieve job security by keeping a low profile. A person relying on job security through obscurity may be incompetent, but… …   Wikipedia

  • job — noun 1 employment ADJECTIVE ▪ decent, good, great, worthwhile ▪ interesting ▪ high powered, top ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • job — ▪ I. job job 1 [dʒɒb ǁ dʒɑːb] noun [countable] 1. JOBS the regular paid work that you do for an employer: • What job do you do? • I ve applied for a job with the BBC. • 1,200 employees could lose their jobs …   Financial and business terms

  • good offices — noun plural : services as a mediator especially between belligerent or disputing states Soviet good offices for the repatriation of British civilian internees in North Korea New York Times * * * 1. influence, esp. with a person in a position of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • good offices — 1. influence, esp. with a person in a position of power: He got the job through the good offices of his uncle. 2. services rendered by a mediator in a dispute. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

  • JOB, BOOK OF — (named for its hero (Heb. אִיּוֹב), ancient South Arabian and Thamudic yʾb; Old Babylonian Ayyābum, Tell el Amarna tablet, no. 256, line 6, A ia ab; either from yʾb, to bear ill will or compounded of ay where? and ʾab (divine) father ), one of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Job — • One of the books of the Old Testament, and the chief personage in it Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Job     Job     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Job security — is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job; a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming unemployedTrends Affecting Job SecurityTypically, government jobs and …   Wikipedia

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