- mutton dressed as lamb
- Noun. A woman who dresses in fashions usually associated with younger females. Derog.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
mutton dressed as lamb — (informal) An older woman who dresses or makes herself up in a style more suitable to a young one • • • Main Entry: ↑mutton * * * mutton dressed as lamb british offensive phrase used for describing someone, especially a woman, who is dressed in a … Useful english dictionary
mutton dressed as lamb — mutton dressed (up) as lamb British, informal an offensive way of saying that a woman is dressed in a style that is more suitable for a much younger woman. Do you think this skirt is too short? I don t want to look like mutton dressed as lamb … New idioms dictionary
mutton dressed as lamb — Mutton dressed as lamb is term for middle aged or elderly people trying to look younger. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** This expression refers to a middle aged woman who tries to look younger by dressing in clothes designed for… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
mutton dressed as lamb — is term for middle aged or elderly people trying to look younger … The small dictionary of idiomes
mutton dressed as lamb — ► mutton dressed as lamb Brit. informal, derogatory a middle aged or old woman dressed in a style suitable for a much younger woman. Main Entry: ↑mutton … English terms dictionary
Mutton dressed as lamb — Mutton dressed as lamb is term for middle aged or elderly people trying to look younger … Dictionary of English idioms
mutton dressed as lamb — noun A mature woman dressed in a style more suited to a young woman, especially if a deliberate attempt to appear young. The teacher was trying to appeal to her students by wearing a short skirt and strappy top. In reality, she just looked like… … Wiktionary
mutton dressed as lamb — a woman affecting the dress or style of someone much younger A derogatory expression: Youthful excess is one thing, said the Dean, but mutton dressed as lamb is another. (Sharpe, 1974) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
mutton dressed as lamb Brit. — mutton dressed as lamb Brit. informal, derogatory a middle aged or old woman dressed in a style suitable for a much younger woman. → mutton … English new terms dictionary
mutton dressed as lamb — British offensive used for describing someone, especially a woman, who is dressed in a way that is more suitable for a younger person … English dictionary
mutton dressed as lamb — Something inferior which has been made to appear better than it is. Often woman inappropriately dressed in style of much younger one … A concise dictionary of English slang