naff off (!)

naff off (!)
Exclam. Get lost! Leave me alone! A euphemism for 'fuck off!'. 1950s
Verb. Go away. E.g."Will you naff off and leave me to get on with my work." 1950s

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • naff off — An offensive injunction to go away • • • Main Entry: ↑naff * * * ˌnaff ˈoff [intransitive] usually in imperative british informal phrasal verb used for telling someone rudely to go away …   Useful english dictionary

  • naff off — • go away • • e.g.. Why don t you naff off . Can be used as a mild form of fuck off . • • a milder version off fuck off. Popularised by the UK comedy serial Porridge …   Londonisms dictionary

  • naff off — vb British to leave, go away. The expression is usu ally in the form of a dismissive exclama tion or instruction synonymous with fuck off. First used in the TV series Porridge in the mid 1970s, the phrase was given great prominence in 1982 when… …   Contemporary slang

  • naff off (!) — Exclam. Get lost! Leave me alone! A euphemism for fuck off! . 1950s Verb. Go away. E.g. Will you naff off and leave me to get on with my work. 1950s …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • naff off —    go away    OED says that naff is a a euphemistic substitution for fuck , which is more likely than Partridge s suggestion that it is back slang for fan, a shortened form of fanny. The origin of the slang meaning, dated or unfashionable, is… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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