- bejesus!
- Exclam. An Anglo-Irish corruption of the exclamation by Jesus! Expressing surprise or annoyance.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
bejesus — mild expletive, 1908, perhaps from by Jesus. To beat the bejesus out of someone is from 1934 … Etymology dictionary
bejesus — [bi jē′zəs] [euphemism for by Jesus] interj. used variously to express surprise, pleasure, anger, annoyance, etc. n. Slang a term of indefinite meaning, often used to provide emphasis, esp. in such phrases as beat (or scare) the bejesus out of … English World dictionary
bejesus — also bejeezus interjection Etymology: alteration of by Jesus Date: 1861 used as a mild oath; used as a noun for emphasis < scares the bejesus out of me > … New Collegiate Dictionary
bejesus — /bi jee zeuhs, jay /, interj. 1. (used as a mild oath expressing dismay, anger, or the like). n. 2. Informal. dickens; devil; deuce: The conglomerate plans to take that tiny company and expand the bejesus out of it. [1905 10; alter. of oath by… … Universalium
bejesus — 1. interjection Expressing surprise, annoyance, dismay, or anger. 2. noun Used for emphasis, similar to crap, shit or wits … Wiktionary
bejesus — According to Random House, it s used as a mild oath expressing dismay, anger, or the like. However, I don t think it s so mild. You scared the bejesus out of me! … Dictionary of american slang
bejesus — According to Random House, it s used as a mild oath expressing dismay, anger, or the like. However, I don t think it s so mild. You scared the bejesus out of me! … Dictionary of american slang
bejesus — be•je•sus [[t]bɪˈdʒi zəs, ˈdʒeɪ [/t]] n. 1) cvb dickens: scared the bejesus out of me[/ex] 2) cvb inf (used as a mild oath.) • Etymology: 1905–10; by Jesus … From formal English to slang
bejesus — /bəˈdʒizəz/ (say buh jeezuhz), / ˈdʒeɪ / (say jay ) Colloquial –interjection 1. (an exclamation of astonishment, disgust, etc.) –phrase 2. knock the bejesus out of, to destroy the self confidence of or defeat utterly. {be , from Middle English bi …
bejesus — bə̇ˈjēzəs, bē, also zəz; esp by speakers subject to Irish influence jā interjection Etymology: alteration of by Jesus a mild oath; used in noun function virtually without meaning kick the bejesus out of him … Useful english dictionary
bejesus — [bɪ dʒi:zəs] (also bejeezus) exclamation Irish & N. Amer. informal used to express surprise or for emphasis … English new terms dictionary