nice one!

nice one!
Exclam. A general expression of approval.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • nice one — british spoken phrase used for showing your admiration or approval of something This expression is used especially by young people ‘I got us tickets for the concert.’ ‘Nice one!’ Thesaurus: words used mainly by young peoplehyponym ways of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nice one! — ˈnice one! idiom (BrE, informal) used to show you are pleased when sth good has happened or sb has said sth amusing • You got the job? Nice one! Main entry: ↑nice …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Nice one! — British & Australian, informal something that you say when you have just heard that someone has done something which you think is good. Graham s brought some champagne along to mark the occasion. Oh, nice one, Graham! …   New idioms dictionary

  • nice one — British spoken used for showing your admiration or approval of something. This expression is used especially by young people I got us tickets for the concert. Nice one! …   English dictionary

  • nice one — informal expressing approval. → nice …   English new terms dictionary

  • nice one — interjection An exclamation of praise or encouragement …   Wiktionary

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  • nice — W2S1 [naıs] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(good)¦ 2¦(friendly)¦ 3¦(something you want)¦ 4 it s nice to know (that) 5 have a nice day! 6 nice to meet you 7 (it s been) nice meeting/talking to you 8¦(not nice)¦ 9 nice try 10 ni …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Nice (disambiguation) — Nice is a city located in the south of France. Nice may also refer to: Contents 1 Places 2 Politics 3 Artworks …   Wikipedia

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