- not have the foggiest
- Vrb phrs. To have no idea. A contraction of not have the foggiest notion. E.g."I haven't the foggiest idea where she's going drinking tonight, what am I, her social secretary?" Informal
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
not have the foggiest — (informal) Not to have the least idea • • • Main Entry: ↑fog * * * not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal have no idea at all … Useful english dictionary
not have the foggiest — ► not have the foggiest (idea) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. Main Entry: ↑foggy … English terms dictionary
not have the foggiest (idea) — not have the foggiest ( idea/notion/) spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you do not know anything at all about something I don’t have the foggiest idea why he called me. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you do not know or understandsynonym … Useful english dictionary
not have the foggiest idea — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… … New idioms dictionary
not have the foggiest notion — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… … New idioms dictionary
not have the foggiest (notion) — not have the foggiest ( idea/notion/) spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you do not know anything at all about something I don’t have the foggiest idea why he called me. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you do not know or understandsynonym … Useful english dictionary
not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal, — not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. → foggy … English new terms dictionary
not have the foggiest idea — ► not have the foggiest (idea) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. Main Entry: ↑foggy … English terms dictionary
not have the foggiest notion — to not know anything at all about something. I don t have the foggiest notion what that book is about … New idioms dictionary
have the foggiest idea — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… … New idioms dictionary