not have the foggiest

not have the foggiest
Vrb phrs. To have no idea. A contraction of not have the foggiest notion. E.g."I haven't the foggiest idea where she's going drinking tonight, what am I, her social secretary?" Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • not have the foggiest — (informal) Not to have the least idea • • • Main Entry: ↑fog * * * not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal have no idea at all …   Useful english dictionary

  • not have the foggiest — ► not have the foggiest (idea) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. Main Entry: ↑foggy …   English terms dictionary

  • not have the foggiest (idea) — not have the foggiest ( idea/notion/) spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you do not know anything at all about something I don’t have the foggiest idea why he called me. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you do not know or understandsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • not have the foggiest idea — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not have the foggiest notion — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… …   New idioms dictionary

  • not have the foggiest (notion) — not have the foggiest ( idea/notion/) spoken phrase used for emphasizing that you do not know anything at all about something I don’t have the foggiest idea why he called me. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you do not know or understandsynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal, — not have the foggiest (idea or notion) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. → foggy …   English new terms dictionary

  • not have the foggiest idea — ► not have the foggiest (idea) informal, chiefly Brit. have no idea at all. Main Entry: ↑foggy …   English terms dictionary

  • not have the foggiest notion — to not know anything at all about something. I don t have the foggiest notion what that book is about …   New idioms dictionary

  • have the foggiest idea — (not) have the foggiest (idea/notion) informal to not know the answer to a question. Do you know where Kate s gone? I haven t the foggiest. The photocopier s broken down again, and nobody has the foggiest idea how to fix it. (often + question… …   New idioms dictionary

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