- bend someone's ear
- Vrb phrs. To talk incessantly and tediously at someone. E.g."The manager's been bending my ear all afternoon about regulations and company protocol."
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
bend someone's ear — bend someone’s ear informal phrase to talk to someone for a long time, especially in order to complain about something or to discuss a problem Thesaurus: to discuss somethingsynonym to complainsynonym Main entry: bend * * * … Useful english dictionary
bend someone's ear — To bend someone s ear is to talk to someone about something for a long enough period that it becomes tiresome for the listener … The small dictionary of idiomes
bend someone's ear — bend (someone s) ear informal to talk to someone for a long time, usually about something boring. Don t let her bend your ear about how overworked she is. (often + about) … New idioms dictionary
bend someone's ear — ► bend someone s ear informal talk to someone at length or in an unwelcome way. Main Entry: ↑bend … English terms dictionary
bend someone's ear, — idi bend someone s ear, to talk to someone at often tiresome length … From formal English to slang
bend someone's ear — informal talk to someone, especially at length or to ask a favour. → bend … English new terms dictionary
bend someone's ear — v. talk to someone for a long time to ask a favour; talk to a person without stopping in a boring manner … English contemporary dictionary
bend someone's ear — informal to talk to someone for a long time, especially in order to complain about something or to discuss a problem … English dictionary
bend one's ear — phrasal : to talk to someone at length especially to the point of boredom Humphrey bent the ear of … Charles Murphy for nearly two hours Newsweek … Useful english dictionary
bend one's ear — phrasal to talk to someone at length … New Collegiate Dictionary