off one's trolley

off one's trolley
Phrs. 1. Crazy, insane. Late 1800s. Orig. U.S.
2. Very intoxicated.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • off one's trolley — See: OFF ONE S ROCKER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off one's trolley — See: OFF ONE S ROCKER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off\ one's\ trolley — • off one s rocker • off one s trolley adj. phr. informal Not thinking correctly; crazy; silly; foolish. Tom is off his rocker if he thinks he can run faster than Bob can. If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you re off your… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • off one's trolley — ► off one s trolley Brit. informal mad; insane. Main Entry: ↑trolley …   English terms dictionary

  • off one's trolley — phrasal : mentally disorganized : unable for the time being to follow a reasonable and sensible course * * * off one s trolley (slang) Daft, crazy • • • Main Entry: ↑trolley * * * informal mad; insane …   Useful english dictionary

  • off one's trolley — idi+sts off one s trolley, Slang. mentally unstable; insane …   From formal English to slang

  • off one's trolley — adjective Having gone mad; insane. The Romance is the best part of the four movements. One is a bit off one’s trolley at such times and I should surely write a better Suite at this time after twenty years of sober reflection …   Wiktionary

  • off one's trolley — adj British deranged, unstable, crazy. A variation on the off one s block theme, which has been popular in British speech since the 1970s. The original image evoked may be of a child losing control of a cart or scooter, or of a patient falling… …   Contemporary slang

  • off one’s trolley — mod. silly; eccentric. □ Don’t mind Uncle Charles. He’s a bit off his trolley. □ That silly old man is just off his trolley …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • off one's trolley — informal mad; insane. → trolling …   English new terms dictionary

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