
Noun. Amyl or butyl nitrate. A medicinal heart stimulant taken recreationally by smelling its vapours for its pleasurable 'rush' and also its orgasm enhancing qualities. Very common on the gay scene and in the drug stimulated club scene.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • poppers — UK [ˈpɒpə(r)z] US [ˈpɑpərz] noun [plural] informal a drug in the form of a liquid that people breathe in through their noses in order to experience a high (=feelings of extreme pleasure and excitement) Thesaurus: illegal drugs and drugs sometimes …   Useful english dictionary

  • Poppers — For other uses, see Popper (disambiguation). Variety of popper brands Poppers is a slang term for various alkyl nitrites inhaled for recreational purposes, particularly isopropyl nitrite (2 propyl nitrite) and isobutyl nitrite (2 methylpropyl… …   Wikipedia

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  • Poppers — Pọp|pers 〈Pl.〉 gefäßerweiternde Droge, die aus Ampullen inhaliert wird * * * Pọp|pers, das; (Jargon): nitrithaltiges Rauschmittel, dessen Dämpfe eingeatmet werden. * * * Poppers,   auf Amylnitratbasis hergestellte Drogen, die gefäßerweiternd… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Poppers — Pop|pers das; <aus engl. (ugs.) poppers zu to pop »(regelmäßig) Drogen nehmen«, eigtl. »knallen, platzen«> (Jargon) ein nitrithaltiges Rauschmittel, dessen Dämpfe eingeatmet werden …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • POPPERS, MEIR BEN JUDAH LOEB HA-KOHEN — (d. 1662), kabbalist of Ashkenazi descent who was active in Jerusalem after 1640. A pupil of Jacob Ẓemaḥ, he became the last editor of the Lurianic writings. He divided the mass of Vital s different versions of Luria s teachings into three parts …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • POPPERS (Popers), JACOB BEN BENJAMIN HAKOHEN — (d. 1740), German rabbi. Born in Prague, Poppers studied under his father and in various yeshivot. He was subsequently appointed rabbi of Coblenz and of Trier, in the Rhineland. He declined an invitation to Halberstadt in 1718 but accepted the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • poppers — ➡ drugs * * * …   Universalium

  • Poppers — Pọp|pers 〈Pl.〉 (bes. unter Homosexuellen verbreitete) gefäßerweiternde Droge, die aus Ampullen inhaliert wird [Etym.: zu engl. pop »Knall« (beim Öffnen der Ampullen)] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • poppers — pop|pers [ papərz ] noun plural INFORMAL a drug in the form of a liquid that people breathe in through their noses in order to experience a HIGH (=feelings of extreme pleasure and excitement) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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