powder one's nose

powder one's nose
Vrb phrs. 1. Euphemism for going to the toilet, usually women's use.
2. Euphemism for snorting cocaine.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • powder one's nose — (euphemistic; of a woman) To go to the toilet • • • Main Entry: ↑powder …   Useful english dictionary

  • powder one’s nose — 1. AND powder one’s face tv. to depart to the bathroom. (Usually said by women, or jocularly by men.) □ Excuse me, I have to powder my nose. □ She just went out to powder her face. 2. tv. to use cocaine. □ John is in the bedroom powdering his nos …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • powder one's nose — verb a) To use the toilet (nearly always refers to women only). Ill be right back; I just have to powder my nose. b) (of a woman or group of women) To temporarily leave the company of others, often to a restroom, for a brief respite from a crowd …   Wiktionary

  • Powder one's nose — 1. (of a female) visit the ladies room or toilet; 2. (jocular) snort cocaine …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • powder one's nose — Australian Slang 1. (of a female) visit the ladies room or toilet; 2. (jocular) snort cocaine …   English dialects glossary

  • powder one's nose —  Go to the lavatory. (Women only.) …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • powder one’s face — Go to powder one’s nose …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • powder — n. & v. n. 1 a substance in the form of fine dry particles. 2 a medicine or cosmetic in this form. 3 = GUNPOWDER. v.tr. 1 a apply powder to (powder one s nose). b sprinkle or decorate with or as with powder. 2 (esp. as powdered adj.) reduce to a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • powder — /ˈpaʊdə / (say powduh) noun 1. any solid substance in the state of fine, loose particles, as produced by crushing, grinding, or disintegration; dust. 2. a preparation in this form for some special purpose, as gunpowder, a medicinal powder, a… …  

  • nose — 1 noun 1 ON YOUR FACE (C) the part of your face that you smell with and breathe through: a broken nose | Marty punched him on the nose. | blow your nose (=clear it by blowing strongly into a piece of cloth or soft paper): Here, take this hanky… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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