prize (something)

prize (something)
Noun. An absolute, utter (something). E.g."I haven't got time for him, he's a prize idiot."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • prize (something) — Noun. An absolute, utter (something). E.g. I haven t got time for him, he s a prize idiot …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • prize — prize1 [ praız ] noun count *** 1. ) a reward you get for being successful in a sport, competition, or game, or for being better than others at something. Someone who has won a prize is called a prize winner: the Nobel Prize for chemistry… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • prize — [[t]pra͟ɪz[/t]] ♦♦ prizes, prizing, prized (The spelling prise is also used in British English for meanings 5 and 6.) 1) N COUNT A prize is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a competition or game, or …   English dictionary

  • prize — English has four words prize. The one meaning ‘reward’ [16] is essentially the same word as price. This was originally pris, mirroring its immediate Old French ancestor pris. It became prise, to indicate the length of its vowel i, and in the 16th …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • prize — English has four words prize. The one meaning ‘reward’ [16] is essentially the same word as price. This was originally pris, mirroring its immediate Old French ancestor pris. It became prise, to indicate the length of its vowel i, and in the 16th …   Word origins

  • prize — prize1 [prīz] vt. prized, prizing [ME pris: see PRICE] 1. Obs. to set a value upon; price 2. to value highly; esteem n. 1. something offered or given to the winner of a contest 2. something won in a game of cha …   English World dictionary

  • Prize — (pr[imac]z), n. [F. prise a seizing, hold, grasp, fr. pris, p. p. of prendre to take, L. prendere, prehendere; in some senses, as 2 (b), either from, or influenced by, F. prix price. See {Prison}, {Prehensile}, and cf. {Pry}, and also {Price}.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prize court — Prize Prize (pr[imac]z), n. [F. prise a seizing, hold, grasp, fr. pris, p. p. of prendre to take, L. prendere, prehendere; in some senses, as 2 (b), either from, or influenced by, F. prix price. See {Prison}, {Prehensile}, and cf. {Pry}, and also …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prize fight — Prize Prize (pr[imac]z), n. [F. prise a seizing, hold, grasp, fr. pris, p. p. of prendre to take, L. prendere, prehendere; in some senses, as 2 (b), either from, or influenced by, F. prix price. See {Prison}, {Prehensile}, and cf. {Pry}, and also …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prize fighter — Prize Prize (pr[imac]z), n. [F. prise a seizing, hold, grasp, fr. pris, p. p. of prendre to take, L. prendere, prehendere; in some senses, as 2 (b), either from, or influenced by, F. prix price. See {Prison}, {Prehensile}, and cf. {Pry}, and also …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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