rare as hen's teeth

rare as hen's teeth
Phrs. Very uncommon, non-existent.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • as rare as hen's teeth — (USA) Something that is rare as hen s teeth is very rare or non existent …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • rare as hen's teeth — (Slang) extremely uncommon, very unusual …   English contemporary dictionary

  • as rare as hen's teeth — ► as rare (or scarce) as hen s teeth extremely rare. Main Entry: ↑hen …   English terms dictionary

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  • as rare as hen's teeth — Phrs. Very rare, non existent. From hens not having teeth …   English slang and colloquialisms

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  • as scarce as hen's teeth — rare, uncommon, not many of them    Country doctors are as scarce as hen s teeth …   English idioms

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