
Adj. 1. Worthless, trashy.
2. Covered in faeces.
3. Dirty, filthy.
4. Contemptible, despicable.
5. Uncomfortable, unpleasent. E.g."We had a shitty night's sleep."
6. Insignificant, trivial. E.g."It was a shitty little car that could only seat 4 people, and uncomfortably at that."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • shitty — (adj.) 1924, from SHIT (Cf. shit) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Earlier was shitten (late 14c. in a literal sense; 1540s in transferred sense of very unpleasant ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • shitty — ► ADJECTIVE (shittier, shittiest) vulgar slang 1) contemptible or awful. 2) covered with excrement …   English terms dictionary

  • shitty — 1. mod. covered or soiled with dung. (Usually objectionable.) □ I got my shoes all shitty. □ Get that shitty shovel out of the garage and clean it. 2. mod. lousy; rotten. (Usually objectionable.) □ This has been a real shitty trip for me …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • shitty — /ˈʃɪti / (say shitee) Colloquial (taboo) –adjective (shittier, shittiest) 1. containing or covered in excrement: a shitty nappy. 2. annoyed; bad tempered. 3. unpleasant; disagreeable; of low quality. –noun (plural shitties) 4. Chiefly SA the… …  

  • shitty — adjective a) Very bad; unpleasant; miserable; insignificant. The television I bought there was so shitty that I will never shop there again. b) Under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol; drunk; …   Wiktionary

  • shitty — adj a. unpleasant, unfair. The word may mean merely bad or nasty, but usually carries overtones of resentment on the part of the speaker. That was a really shitty thing to do. b. inferior, poor quality That cassette machine s got shitty sound …   Contemporary slang

  • shitty — 1. adj. coated with feces 2. adj. lousy; poor quality; undesirable. What shitty weather. That s such a shitty car, what with the dents and scracthes …   English slang

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  • shitty — shit|ty [ ʃıti ] adjective IMPOLITE 1. ) very bad, boring, or annoying 2. ) shitty behavior is very cruel and unfair …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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