- Noun. A bad situation, a mistake, a foul-up. Acronym of situation normal all fucked up. Orig. U.S. 1940s
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
SNAFU — is an acronym meaning roughly, things are in a mess as usual . The most commonly accepted rendering is Situation Normal: All Fucked Up . In computer jargon, it sometimes is intended to mean Systems Neatly All Fucked Up . It is sometimes… … Wikipedia
Snafu — may refer to: * SNAFU, an acronym * Snafu (band), an English rhythm and blues band of the 1970s. * Snafu a Bmx company that makes aftermarket upgrade parts for BMX bikes. * Snafu (album), a 1970 album by East Of Eden * Snafu (game), a 1981… … Wikipedia
SNAFU — ist ein aus der englischen Sprache entlehntes Akronym für Situation Normal, All Fucked Up (deutsch etwa: „Lage normal, alles im Arsch“) bzw. Situation normal, all fouled up. Von vergleichbarer Bedeutung im Deutschen ist die Umkehrung der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Snafu — ist ein aus der Englischen Sprache entlehntes Akronym für Situation Normal, All Fucked Up (deutsch etwa: „Lage normal, alles im Arsch“) bzw. Situation normal, all fouled up. Von vergleichbarer Bedeutung im Deutschen ist die Umkehrung der eher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
snafu — snafu, Talk Mode … Universal-Lexikon
snafu — 1941, U.S. military slang, acronym for situation normal, all fucked up, conveying the common soldier s laconic acceptance of the disorder of war and the ineptitude of his superiors [ Oxford English Dictionary, which seldom fails to delight] … Etymology dictionary
SNAFU — (Situation Normal All Fucked Up) sna·fu || snæ fuË everything is crazy as always, the situation is bad like usual … English contemporary dictionary
snafu — [n] mistake blooper*, blunder, bungle, confusion, error, false step, faux pas, flub*, foul up, goof up, mess, miscalculation, misjudgment, misunderstanding, mix up, oversight, screwup*, slip, slipup*; concepts 101,230,410 … New thesaurus
snafu — ☆ snafu [sna fo͞o′, snaf′o͞o ] adj. [orig. mil. slang for s(ituation) n(ormal), a(ll) f(ucked) u(p)] Slang in characteristic disorder or confusion; mixed up as usual vt. snafued, snafuing Slang to throw into confusion n. Slang a mix up, mishap,… … English World dictionary
Snafu — Situation Normal: All Fucked Up Pour les articles homonymes, voir SNAFU. Situation Normal; All Fucked Up (SNAFU, en français : « Situation normale, [puis] c est le bordel ») est un acronyme anglo saxon signifiant que la situation… … Wikipédia en Français
SNAFU — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres… … Wikipédia en Français