spaniel's ears

spaniel's ears
Noun. Saggy, flat, droopy breasts. From their similarity.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Spaniel — Span iel, n. [OF. espagneul, F. [ e]pagneul, espagnol Spanish, Sp. espa[ n]nol, fr. Espa[ n]a Spain, from L. Hispania.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) One of a breed of small dogs having long and thick hair and large drooping ears. The legs are usually strongly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spaniel — ► NOUN ▪ a breed of dog with a long silky coat and drooping ears. ORIGIN Old French espaigneul Spanish (dog) , from Latin Hispaniolus Spanish …   English terms dictionary

  • spaniel — [span′yəl] n. [ME spainel < MFr espagnol, lit., Spanish < Sp español < España, Spain < L Hispania] 1. any member of several breeds of medium sized hunting dog with large, drooping ears and a dense, wavy coat 2. a servile, fawning… …   English World dictionary

  • Spaniel — A Spaniel is a type of gun dog. Spaniels are generally small dogs with long coats and drop ears. Spaniels assist in bird hunting.It is desirable that Spaniels work within gun range, are steady to shot, are able to mark the fall and retrieve shot… …   Wikipedia

  • spaniel — spaniellike, adj. /span yeuhl/, n. 1. one of any of several breeds of small or medium sized dogs, usually having a long, silky coat and long, drooping ears. 2. a submissive, fawning, or cringing person. [1350 1400; ME spaynel < OF espaignol… …   Universalium

  • spaniel — UK [ˈspænjəl] / US noun [countable] Word forms spaniel : singular spaniel plural spaniels a type of small dog with long ears and long shiny hair …   English dictionary

  • spaniel — span|iel [ˈspænjəl] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: espaignol Spaniard, spaniel , from Vulgar Latin Hispaniolus, from Latin Hispania Spain ] a type of dog with long ears that hang down …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • spaniel — [[t]spæ̱njəl[/t]] spaniels N COUNT A spaniel is a type of dog with long ears that hang down …   English dictionary

  • spaniel — noun Etymology: Middle English spaynel, spaniell, from Anglo French espainnel, alteration of espaignol Spaniard, from Vulgar Latin *Hispaniolus, from Latin Hispania Spain Date: 14th century 1. a member of any of several breeds of small or medium… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • spaniel — noun /ˈspænjəl/ Any of various small breeds of gun dog having a broad muzzle, long, wavy fur and long ears that hang at the side of the head, bred for flushing and retrieving game …   Wiktionary

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