spunk (up)

spunk (up)
Verb. To ejaculate semen. E.g."He spunked up just as his dad came in the room."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Spunk — Альбом Sex Pistols Дата выпуска 17 июля 2006 Записан Май, июль, октябрь 1976, январь 1977 …   Википедия

  • Spunk — ist der Markenname für Salzlakritz und Weingummis, die von der dänischen Galle Jessen A/S produziert werden. Die Lakritze ist klein, schwarz, sehr trocken und salzig. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Packungsgröße 2 Verfügbarkeit in Deutschland 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • spunk´i|ly — spunk|y «SPUHNG kee», adjective, spunk|i|er, spunk|i|est. Informal. courageous; plucky; spirited: »He is a spunky fellow. SYNONYM( …   Useful english dictionary

  • spunk|y — «SPUHNG kee», adjective, spunk|i|er, spunk|i|est. Informal. courageous; plucky; spirited: »He is a spunky fellow. SYNONYM( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Spunk — (sp[u^][ng]k), n. [Gael. spong, or Ir. sponc, tinder, sponge; cf. AS. sponge a sponge (L. spongia), sp[=o]n a chip. Cf. {Sponge}, {Punk}.] [Written also {sponk}.] 1. Wood that readily takes fire; touchwood; also, a kind of tinder made from a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spunk — spunk·ie; spunk·i·ly; spunk·i·ness; spunk; …   English syllables

  • Spunk.nl — is a Dutch e zine representing Dutch youth culture. The e zine has weekly 150.000 visitors and has an alliance with the daily evening newspaper NRC Handelsblad. External links* [http://www.spunk.nl www.spunk.nl] …   Wikipedia

  • spunk — [spʌŋk] n [U] informal [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: Probably from spunk spark (16 19 centuries), from Scottish Gaelic spong sponge, material for lighting fires , from Latin spongia; SPONGE1] 1.) especially AmE courage ▪ She had a lot of spunk …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Spunk — 〈[spʌ̣ŋk] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s; Jugendspr.〉 Mut, Courage; er hat keinen Spunk, wenn es Schwierigkeiten gibt [Etym.: engl., »Mut, Mumm«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • spunk — 1530s, a spark, Scottish, from Gaelic spong tinder, pith, sponge, from L. spongia (see SPONGE (Cf. sponge)). The sense of courage, pluck, mettle is first attested 1773. A similar sense evolution took place in cognate Ir. sponnc sponge, tinder,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • spunk|ie — «SPUHNG kee», noun. Scottish. 1. a will o the wisp. 2. whiskey or other strong drink. ╂[< spunk + ie] …   Useful english dictionary

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