(the) hots

(the) hots
Noun. A sexual desire.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • (the) hots — the hots UK [hɒts] US [hɑts] noun Phrase: have the hots for someone …   Useful english dictionary

  • the hots — noun intense sexual desire • Hypernyms: ↑sexual desire, ↑eros, ↑concupiscence, ↑physical attraction * * * the hots informal : strong feelings of sexual attraction for someone Everyone knows she has the hots for …   Useful english dictionary

  • The hots — strong sexual attraction: to have the hots for Jack …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • the hots — Australian Slang strong sexual attraction: to have the hots for Jack …   English dialects glossary

  • the hots — n pl See have the hots (for someone) …   Contemporary slang

  • the hots — UK [hɒts] / US [hɑts] noun have the hots for someone …   English dictionary

  • (the) hots — Noun. A sexual desire …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • have the hots for someone — have the hots for (someone) to be strongly sexually attracted to someone. He s got the hots for that new girl Libby. Usage notes: sometimes used in a humorous way that is not sexual: Consumers have the hots for DSL Internet connections …   New idioms dictionary

  • have the hots for — (someone) to be strongly sexually attracted to someone. He s got the hots for that new girl Libby. Usage notes: sometimes used in a humorous way that is not sexual: Consumers have the hots for DSL Internet connections …   New idioms dictionary

  • (to) have the hots for someone — to have the hots for (someone) very informal to be strongly sexually attracted to someone. He s had the hots for Sue ever since he first met her …   New idioms dictionary

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