tick off

tick off
Verb. To reprimand, to tell off. E.g."If you keep ticking me off then I'll go home early and then you'll be sorry." Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • tick off — tick (someone) off to make someone angry. It just ticks me off to think that anyone who wants to can read my e mail. It was only a suggestion, not a criticism, and she didn t think it would tick off everyone at the meeting …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — (something) to name a list of things. She ticked off six reasons for saying no. She had lots of objections, and she ticked them off one after another …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — verb put a check mark on or near or next to Please check each name on the list tick off the items mark off the units • Syn: ↑check, ↑check off, ↑mark, ↑mark off, ↑tick …   Useful english dictionary

  • tick off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you tick off items on a list, you write a tick or other mark next to them, in order to show that they have been dealt with. [mainly BRIT] [V P n (not pron)] He ticked off my name on a piece of paper... [V n P] Tick it off in… …   English dictionary

  • tick off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms tick off : present tense I/you/we/they tick off he/she/it ticks off present participle ticking off past tense ticked off past participle ticked off 1) a) British to put the symbol ✓ next to something on a list …   English dictionary

  • tick off — v. indicate that something has been done or completed by putting a check mark or a tick next to it (e.g.: I made a list of the things you have to do, please tick off each one when you complete it ); (Slang) irritate a person; make a person angry; …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tick off — 1) that really ticked me off Syn: annoy, irritate, rile, rattle, anger, antagonize, make someone mad, get on someone s nerves, get to, get someone s back up 2) tick off a list Syn: check off; count of …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • tick off something — tick off (something) to name a list of things. She ticked off six reasons for saying no. She had lots of objections, and she ticked them off one after another …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — verb a) To sign with a tick. I ticked off Harry today because he announced he was present. b) To list . I ticked three things off the list in my head, and had only four chores left to do …   Wiktionary

  • tick off — Synonyms and related words: admonish, anger, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, brand, call down, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, chide, cicatrize, dapple, dash, define, delimit, demarcate, discolor, dot, engrave, fleck, freckle, gash,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • tick off — {v.} 1. To mention one after the other; list. * /The teacher ticked off the assignments that Jane had to do./ 2. To scold; rebuke. * /The boss ticked off the waitress for dropping her tray./ 3. To anger or upset. Usually used as ticked off. *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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