
Adj. Mean, stingy.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • tight-arsed — ˈtight arsed ; (BrE) (NAmE ˈtight assed) adjective Main entry: ↑tight arse …   Useful english dictionary

  • tight-arsed — adj British miserly, mean, stingy. This is an elabora tion of tight (itself used to mean stingy since the 1820s), heard since the early years of the 20th century …   Contemporary slang

  • tight-arsed — /ˈtaɪt ast/ (say tuyt ahst) adjective Colloquial (taboo) 1. mean; parsimonious. 2. haughty. –tight arse, noun Usage: See note at arse …  

  • Tight-arsed — 1. mean; parsimonious; 2. haughty …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • tight-arsed — Australian Slang 1. mean; parsimonious; 2. haughty …   English dialects glossary

  • be tight-arsed — British & Australian, very informal, American, very informal to be worried about small details that are not important. Don t ask Jack to get involved, he s so tight assed and really irritating …   New idioms dictionary

  • tight — adj 1. mean, stingy, miserly. Now a common colloquialism rather than slang, this usage originated in the USA in the early 19th century. The image evoked is of someone who is tight fisted . A modern elaboration is tight arsed. 2. tipsy or drunk.… …   Contemporary slang

  • tight —  1. Mean. Also tight arsed*  2. Difficult. Hence tight spot or corner Difficult personal situation.  3. Not easily obtainable (e.g. of money).  4. Drunk: Also tight as a drum or newt or tick Very drunk.  5. sit tight Remain where one is. Wait …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • As tight as a bull's arse in fly-time — extremely mean with money; tight arsed …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • As tight as a duck's arse — extremely mean with money; tight arsed …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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