wet the baby's head — (informal) To celebrate the baby s birth with (alcoholic) drinks • • • Main Entry: ↑wet … Useful english dictionary
wet the baby's head — ► wet the baby s head Brit. informal celebrate a baby s birth with a drink. Main Entry: ↑wet … English terms dictionary
wet the baby's head — This expression means to have drink to celebrate the birth of a baby. When his first child was born, Tom invited his colleagues to a local bar to wet the baby s head … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
wet the baby's head Brit. — wet the baby s head Brit. informal celebrate a baby s birth with a drink. → the westward … English new terms dictionary
wash the baby's head — to drink intoxicants in celebration of a birth A less common variant of wet the baby s head, given under wet2: To wesh ther heeads e bumper toasts. (Treddlehoyle, 1846) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
wet — ► ADJECTIVE (wetter, wettest) 1) covered or saturated with liquid. 2) (of the weather) rainy. 3) involving the use of water or liquid. 4) (of paint, ink, etc.) not yet having dried or hardened. 5) Brit. informal lacking forcefulness or strength… … English terms dictionary
wet — adjective (wetter, wettest) 1》 covered or saturated with liquid. ↘(of the weather) rainy. ↘involving the use of water or liquid. 2》 (of paint, ink, etc.) not yet having dried or hardened. 3》 Brit. informal lacking forcefulness or strength … English new terms dictionary
wet — adj., v., & n. adj. (wetter, wettest) 1 soaked, covered, or dampened with water or other liquid (a wet sponge; a wet surface; got my feet wet). 2 (of the weather etc.) rainy (a wet day). 3 (of paint, ink, etc.) not yet dried. 4 used with water… … Useful english dictionary
wet — 1. (the bed) to urinate in an inappropriate place And in various other phrases, such as wet yourself, to urinate in your clothing; wet your pants, to urinate in your trousers, etc.: Boys and girls who steal, vandalize, or wet the bed … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
wet — 1. (Of person) Feeble. Silly. Dull. Also talk wet Talk foolishly. 2. (Of thing, esp. book, film, etc.) Sentimental. 3. the wet The rain. ♣ I ve been out in the wet. 4. wet the baby s head Celebrate a birth … A concise dictionary of English slang