apple (core)

apple (core)
Noun. 20. Cockney rhyming slang on 'score'. 1950s

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Apple core — An apple core is the center part of an apple. When an apple is consumed, often the core is not eaten as it is woodier, contains seeds, and is sometimes less sweet. This remaining part is then discarded.The Apple Corps company name is a… …   Wikipedia

  • apple core — noun The central portion of an apple containing the seeds and where the stem attaches (and the opposed end). Particularly the portion that remains after the main part of the fruit has been eaten …   Wiktionary

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  • apple core lesion — a short, well defined region of the colon that is constricted and has ulcerated mucosa with overhanging margins; seen in various types of cancer …   Medical dictionary

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