cat's pyjamas

cat's pyjamas
Noun. The best. Cf. 'cat's whiskers'.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • cat's pyjamas — noun A highly sought after and fancy example of something, usually referring to inanimate objects. Syn: the bees knees, the cats meow, dogs bollocks …   Wiktionary

  • Cat's pyjamas — excellent person, proposal, etc …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • cat's pyjamas — Australian Slang excellent person, proposal, etc …   English dialects glossary

  • the cat's pyjamas (or the cat's meow) — chiefly N. Amer. another term for the cat s whiskers (see cat s whisker). → cat …   English new terms dictionary

  • the cat's pyjamas — or the cat s whiskers (informal) 1. The very thing that is wanted, the ideal thing 2. Anyone or anything considered to be the best or greatest • • • Main Entry: ↑cat …   Useful english dictionary

  • cat's pyjamas, the —  Supremely good …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • Cat's pajamas — may mean: * The Cat s Pajamas , a children s book by Thacher Hurd * The Cat s Pyjamas , a song by Isobel Campbell on Amorino (album) * The Cat s Pyjamas , a 1992 book by Norman Thelwell * The Cat s Pajamas , a 2004 book by James Morrow * The Cat… …   Wikipedia

  • (be) the cat's pyjamas — be the cat s ˈwhiskers/pyˈjamas idiom (informal) to be the best thing, person, idea, etc • He thinks he s the cat s whiskers (= he has a high opinion of himself). Main entry: ↑catidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • pyjamas — py|ja|mas BrE pajamas AmE [pəˈdʒa:məz US ˈdʒæ , ˈdʒa: ] n [plural] 1.) a soft pair of trousers and a top that you wear in bed ▪ striped pyjamas 2.) loose trousers that are tied around the waist, worn by Muslim men or women >pyjama adj [only… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cat — I. /kæt / (say kat) noun 1. a domesticated carnivore, Felis sylvestris catus (formerly Felis catus), thought to be descended from the African wildcat, Felis sylvestris lybica, and now widely distributed in a number of breeds; feral populations… …  

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