crud (!)

crud (!)
Noun. Rubbish, something useless.
Exclam. An exclamation of disagreement.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • crud — CRUD, Ă, cruzi, de, adj. I. 1. (Despre alimente) Care n a fost (suficient) supus acţiunii focului; nefiert, nefript, necopt (suficient). 2. (Despre fructe) Neajuns la maturitate; verde. ♦ (Despre plante sau părţi ale lor) Care este încă în… …   Dicționar Român

  • Crud — or Crud may refer to: A sticky substance, especially when dirty and/or encrusted. Create, read, update and delete, basic functions of a computer database Crud (game), played on a billiard table Chalk river unidentified deposits, corroded products …   Wikipedia

  • CRUD — may refer to:* Crud (game), played on a billiard table * Chalk river unidentified deposits, which form on nuclear test fuels; suspended particles which are a precursor to fouling of industrial equipment surfaces * Create, read, update and delete… …   Wikipedia

  • CRUD — CRUD  (англ. create read update delete «Создание чтение обновление удаление») сокращённое именование 4 базовых функций при работе с персистентными хранилищами данных  создание, чтение, редактирование и удаление[1]. Термин стал… …   Википедия

  • CRUD — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En computación CRUD es el acrónimo de Crear, Obtener, Actualizar y Borrar (Create, Read, Update y Delete en inglés). Es usado para referirse a las funciones básicas en bases de datos o la capa de persistencia en un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • crud — [krʌd] n [U] informal [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: crud curd (14 20 centuries)] something unpleasant to look at, smell, taste etc ▪ I can t eat this crud! >cruddy adj …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • crud — crud·dle; crud; crud·dy; …   English syllables

  • Crud — (kr?d), n. See {Curd}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crud — [ krʌd ] noun uncount INFORMAL 1. ) dirt or a similar unpleasant substance 2. ) something that you dislike or consider unpleasant ╾ crud|dy adjective: She was wearing a cruddy old sweatshirt …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • crud — crud1 [krud] vt., vi. crudded, crudding [ME crudden < crud: see CURD] Dial. to curdle n. 1. Dial. a curd 2. Slang any coagulated substance, caked deposit, dregs, filth, etc. 3. Slang a worthless, disgusting, or contempti …   English World dictionary

  • Crud — Crud, C. V. B., Baron von C., geb. 1763 in Genf, Besitzer bedeutender Güter im Bolognesischen, in der Romagna u. Schweiz, u. ausgezeichneter Landwirth, machte sich auch um das Armen u. Arbeitsschulwesen in der Schweiz verdient u. st. 1840 in… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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