cunt (!) *

cunt (!) *
Noun. 1. The female genitals.
2. Women from a sexual viewpoint. Offensive.
3. A despicable person. Derog. and coarse, and with its associated meanings is consequently particularly offensive.
4. A very familiar term of address. E.g."Hello you old cunt, how are you? You're looking well."
5. A difficult thing or task. E.g."I'm not offering to help him move house, he's got a piano and it'll be a cunt of a job to shift it."
Exclam. An exclamation of anger, surprise, frustration, disappointment.
* Undoubtedly the most offensive and taboo of all vulgarisms, and particularly so to women, however its use is becoming more frequent. Consequently it is gradually losing its offensiveness and perhaps will in due course become as accepted as 'fuck' in its use. The word goes back to Middle English, cunte, and before then it can only be speculated upon, however some believe its origins lie with the Latin, cuneus, meaningwedge.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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