
Adj./Adv. Euphemism for 'fucking', used as a general intensifier. E.g."There's no frigging way that I'm lending you any money."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • frigging — by 1936 as an expletive, from prp. of FRIG (Cf. frig) …   Etymology dictionary

  • frigging — [frig′iŋ] adj., adv. [prp. of vulgar frig, to copulate, orig. to rub, prob. ult. < L fricare, to rub: see FRIABLE] euphemism for FUCKING …   English World dictionary

  • frigging — /ˈfrɪgɪŋ/ (say friging) Colloquial –adjective 1. a. (an intensifier): it s a frigging marvel; you frigging bastard. b. (an infix used as an intensifier): abso frigging lutely. –adverb Also, frigging well. 2. very; extremely: frigging ridiculous.; …  

  • frigging — 1. mod. damnable. (A euphemism for fucking.) □ Who made this frigging mess? □ I smashed up my frigging car! 2. mod. damnably. □ What a frigging stupid thing to do! □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • frigging — 1. noun female masturbation 2. adjective An intensifier, a euphemism of fucking. Will you get out of the frigging bathroom? Were already running late. 3 …   Wiktionary

  • frigging — frig|ging [ˈfrıgıŋ] adj, adv [only before noun] spoken not polite [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: frig to rub, have sex (16 21 centuries)] used to emphasize something you are saying when you are angry, annoyed etc ▪ I can t open the frigging door! …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • frigging — adj Emphatic adjective. What is that frigging idiot doing here? 1590s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • frigging — adj an intensifier used with adjectives and nouns for emphasis in the same way as bloody or fucking. It is considered sub stantially more offensive than the former and slightly less offensive than the latter. 7 was talking to my Canadian niece… …   Contemporary slang

  • frigging — [[t]frɪ̱gɪŋ[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n (emphasis) Frigging is used by some people to emphasize what they are saying, especially when they are angry or annoyed about something. [INFORMAL, RUDE] …   English dictionary

  • frigging — • a euphemism for fucking . Can be used frigging hell/heck etc …   Londonisms dictionary

  • frigging — adjective (only before noun) adverb taboo spoken / frIgIN / used to emphasize something you are saying when you are angry, annoyed etc: I can t open the frigging door! …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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