
Noun. Female breasts.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • gazungas — n pl female breasts. A male term …   Contemporary slang

  • bazungas — n pl female breasts. Supposedly humorous coinages (also rendered in other forms such as gazungas, mezoomas, etc.) which may have originated in an elabora tion of bosom …   Contemporary slang

  • bazumas, bazungas — n pl female breasts. Supposedly humorous coinages (also rendered in other forms such as gazungas, mezoomas, etc.) which may have originated in an elabora tion of bosom …   Contemporary slang

  • garbonzas — n pl American female breasts. One of many invented terms used lightheartedly by males (gazungas is another version). This may conceivably be influenced by the Span ish garbanzos: chickpeas …   Contemporary slang

  • gonzagas — n pl American female breasts. Gonzaga is a Spanish proper name, but is used in this sense by analogy with earlier humorous synonyms garbonzas and gazungas …   Contemporary slang

  • kazoo — n American the backside, buttocks. A word of unknown origin (it is probably uncon nected with the musical instrument, the name of which imitates its sound). Other jocular terms using the same median sounds include mazoomas, gazungas, etc. (all… …   Contemporary slang

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