
Noun. The perineum. Cf. 'taint', 'biffins bridge'.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Gooch — may stand for:* A surname of Welsh origin meaning ruddy man, red haired or a derivation of a surname of Dutch origin, predominantly encountered in East Anglia * Son of Eochaidh (rich in cattle) * A shortening of the term Gooch crucible, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Gooch — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Brison Dowling Gooch (* 1925), US amerikanischer Historiker Daniel Gooch (1816–1889), von 1837 bis 1864 Erster Chefingenieur der Great Western Railway und von 1865 bis 1889 deren Vorsitzender sowie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gooch — (spr. Gutsch), Robert, geb. 1786; Geburtshelfer des Westminsterentbindungshauses, Lector der Geburtshülfe u. der Frauen u. Kinderkrankheiten an der Schule des Bartholomäushospitals; er st. 1830 u. schr.: An account on the most important diseases… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Gooch —   [guːtʃ], George Peabody, britischer Historiker, * London 21. 10. 1873, ✝ Chalfont Saint Peter (County Buckinghamshire) 31. 8. 1968; studierte Geschichte in Cambridge, Berlin und Paris, war 1906 10 und 1913 liberaler Unterhausabgeordneter;… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gooch — Recorded in several spellings including Gough, Gouge, Gouch and Gooch, this interesting surname is medieval English. It has two possible origins, both ultimately Gaelic or Celtic. Firstly it may be an occupational name deriving from the pre 7th… …   Surnames reference

  • Gooch — n. family name; George Peabody Gooch (1873 1968), English historian …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Gooch crucible — güch n a small crucible with a perforated bottom in which precipitates can be collected, dried, and weighed called also Gooch filter Gooch Frank Austin (1852 1929) American chemist. Gooch published a number of papers on procedures in inorganic… …   Medical dictionary

  • Gooch-Tiegel — Gooch Tie|gel [gu:tʃ ; nach dem amer. Chemiker F. A. Gooch (1852–1929)]: früher viel benutzter Porzellantiegel mit porösem Boden, der bei gravimetrischen Bestimmungen zum Filtrieren u. anschließend zum Trocknen u. Glühen diente …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Gooch Baronets — There have been two Baronetcies created for persons with the surname Gooch, one in the Baronetage of Great Britain and one in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom. The Gooch Baronetcy, of Benacre Hall in the County of Suffolk, was created in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gooch House (Franklin County, Kentucky) — Infobox nrhp | name =Gooch House nrhp type = nrhp caption = location= Frankfort, Kentucky lat degrees = 38 lat minutes = 11 lat seconds = 42 lat direction = N long degrees = 84 long minutes = 52 long seconds = 29 long direction = W locmapin =… …   Wikipedia

  • Gooch, George Peabody — ▪ British historian born Oct. 21, 1873, London, Eng. died Aug. 31, 1968, London       English historian of modern diplomacy, and one of the first writers in English on German history from the 18th century.       During a brief political career… …   Universalium

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