- keg
- Verb. To pull down a person's trousers as a mischevious act. E.g."It was so funny; we kegged him on the high street in full view of all the Saturday shoppers."
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
Keg — Keg, aufgeschnitten Das Keg (engl. keg „kleines Fass“) ist ein Mehrwegfass, welches speziell zum industriellen Befüllen und der keimfreien Lagerung von Getränken entwickelt wurde. Eingeführt wurde das System 1964 in Großbritannien. Keg Fässer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
keg — keg; keg·ler; keg·ling; keg·meg; mus·keg; keg·ger; … English syllables
keg — [keg] n [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: cag barrel (15 18 centuries), from Old Norse kaggi] a round wooden or metal container with a flat top and bottom, used for storing beer →↑barrel keg beer/bitter BrE (=beer served from a keg) … Dictionary of contemporary English
keg — (n.) 1630s, earlier kag (mid 15c.), from a Scandinavian source, Cf. O.N. kaggi keg, cask, of unknown origin. Cognate with Swed. kagge, Norw. kagg. Specific sense of barrel of beer is from 1945. U.S. student slang kegger party featuring a keg of… … Etymology dictionary
keg — [keg] n. [ME cagge < or akin to ON kaggi, keg < IE base * ĝegh , a branch, stake > E dial cag, stump] 1. a small barrel, usually one holding less than ten gallons 2. a unit of weight for nails, equal to 100 pounds … English World dictionary
Keg — (k[e^]g), n. [Earlier cag, Icel. kaggi; akin to Sw. kagge.] A small cask or barrel. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
keg — /keg/, n. 1. a small cask or barrel, usually holding from 5 to 10 gallons (19 to 38 liters). 2. a unit of weight, equal to 100 pounds (45 kilograms), used for nails. 3. Also, kegger. a keg party; beer bust. [1585 95; earlier cag < ON kaggi] * * * … Universalium
Keg — das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. keg, eigtl. »kleines Fass«, dies aus dem Altnord.>: a) altes engl. Zählmaß (= 60 Stück); b) (veraltet) kleines Fass für Fische … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
keg — [ keg ] noun 1. ) count a small BARREL (=round container with a flat top and bottom) that is used for storing beer or other drinks 2. ) uncount beer served from kegs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
keg — ► NOUN 1) a small barrel, especially one of less than 10 gallons or (in the US) 30 gallons. 2) (before another noun ) Brit. (of beer) supplied in a keg, to which carbon dioxide has been added. ORIGIN Old Norse … English terms dictionary
Keg — Keg, ein Fäßchen, das in England als Zählmaß für 60 Stück Heringe und Laberdane dient, = 1/2 Hundred; in den Vereinigten Staaten bei Früchten für 100 Pfund gebräuchlich … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon