like it or lump it

like it or lump it
Phrs. An ultimatum - either like it or put up with it, but whatever, there is no choice. See 'lump it'.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • like it or lump it — Enjoy it or put up with it • • • Main Entry: ↑lump …   Useful english dictionary

  • like it or lump it — When people say this, they mean that the person will have to accept the situation because it isn t going to change …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • like it or lump it — informal if you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean they must accept a situation they do not like, because they cannot change it. The fact remains, that s all we re going to pay him and he can like it or lump it. Like it or lump it,… …   New idioms dictionary

  • like it or lump it! —    If you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean that they will have to accept something even if they don t like it, because the situation is not going to change.     We re spending a week this summer with your grandparents like it or lump… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Like it or lump it! — exclam. Give up!; Shut up!; Accept it or go away! (See also Lump it!) □ If you don’t want to do it my way, ike it or lump it! □ Too bad! Like it or lump it! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • like it or lump it — if we do not like it, that is too bad; tough bananas    This is the supper Dad cooked for us like it or lump it …   English idioms

  • like it or lump it — verb to accept a situation whether one agrees with it or not. Were going to stay home this year. No holidays. You can like it or lump it …   Wiktionary

  • like it or lump it — whether you like it or not; there is no choice, you either like it or tolerate it …   English contemporary dictionary

  • like it or lump it —  Enjoy it or, if not, tolerate it …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • lump it — very informal phrase to accept a situation, even though you do not like it or agree with it like it or lump it: You can like it or lump it, but I’ve got to work. Thesaurus: to be patient, and to not complain too muchsynonym Main entry …   Useful english dictionary

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