- like it or lump it
- Phrs. An ultimatum - either like it or put up with it, but whatever, there is no choice. See 'lump it'.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.
like it or lump it — Enjoy it or put up with it • • • Main Entry: ↑lump … Useful english dictionary
like it or lump it — When people say this, they mean that the person will have to accept the situation because it isn t going to change … The small dictionary of idiomes
like it or lump it — informal if you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean they must accept a situation they do not like, because they cannot change it. The fact remains, that s all we re going to pay him and he can like it or lump it. Like it or lump it,… … New idioms dictionary
like it or lump it! — If you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean that they will have to accept something even if they don t like it, because the situation is not going to change. We re spending a week this summer with your grandparents like it or lump… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Like it or lump it! — exclam. Give up!; Shut up!; Accept it or go away! (See also Lump it!) □ If you don’t want to do it my way, ike it or lump it! □ Too bad! Like it or lump it! … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
like it or lump it — if we do not like it, that is too bad; tough bananas This is the supper Dad cooked for us like it or lump it … English idioms
like it or lump it — verb to accept a situation whether one agrees with it or not. Were going to stay home this year. No holidays. You can like it or lump it … Wiktionary
like it or lump it — whether you like it or not; there is no choice, you either like it or tolerate it … English contemporary dictionary
like it or lump it — Enjoy it or, if not, tolerate it … A concise dictionary of English slang
lump it — very informal phrase to accept a situation, even though you do not like it or agree with it like it or lump it: You can like it or lump it, but I’ve got to work. Thesaurus: to be patient, and to not complain too muchsynonym Main entry … Useful english dictionary