
Adj. Occurring only once. E.g."This is a one-off model, a concept car made by the same team who designed the Lotus Elite."
Noun. A singular occurrence of an activity, or production of a thing. E.g."This party is a one-off, as we can't afford to have another one this year."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • one-off — ➔ one time * * * Ⅰ. one off UK US /ˌwʌnˈɒf/ adjective [before noun] UK ► (US one shot) produced or happening only once: »The London store is stocking 12 exclusive, one off designs. »a one off opportunity/chance »a …   Financial and business terms

  • one-off — one off1 adj [only before noun] BrE happening or done only once, not as part of a regular series American Equivalent: one shot ▪ It s yours for a one off payment of only £200. one off 2 .one off2 n BrE 1.) something that is done or made only once …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • one-off — one offs 1) N COUNT You can refer to something as a one off when it is made or happens only once. [mainly BRIT] Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one offs. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A one off thing is made or happens only once. [mainly… …   English dictionary

  • one-off — (n.) single example of a manufactured product, 1934, from ONE (Cf. one) + OFF (Cf. off). Later given figurative extension …   Etymology dictionary

  • one-off — one off1 noun count usually singular BRITISH 1. ) something that only happens once 2. ) someone who is very unusual and not like anyone else one off ,one off 2 adjective BRITISH happening, done, or made only once …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • one-off — [wun′ôf′, wun′äf′] Brit. adj. happening, made, done, etc. only once; not repeated n. something that is one of a kind, not part of a series, etc …   English World dictionary

  • one-off — one′ off chiefly brit. 1) brit. done, occurring, or made only once 2) brit. something occurring, done, or made only once • Etymology: 1935–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • one-off — informal, chiefly Brit. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ done, made, or happening only once. ► NOUN 1) something done, made, or happening only once. 2) a unique or remarkable person …   English terms dictionary

  • one-off — noun a happening that occurs only once and is not repeated • Hypernyms: ↑happening, ↑occurrence, ↑occurrent, ↑natural event * * * one off «WUHN AWF, OF», adjective, noun. British. –adj. made or intended for only one time, occasion, or person:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • one-off — I. One off A one off event only happens once and will not be repeated. II. One off A one off occurence is a unique or exceptional event …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • one-off — adjective Date: 1934 1. limited to a single time, occasion, or instance ; one shot < one off gigs > 2. singular, unique < a one off design > • one off noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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