
Noun. Information, details. E.g."What's the skinny with that new man in accounts?"

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Skinny — can refer to: * Skinny Client Control Protocol * Skinny Disco (Deathtars Member) * A thin person * Skinny (Dan Marino), American Football player * Skinny, the Mushroomhead drummer * A slang term for inside or confidential information * A coffee… …   Wikipedia

  • Skinny — Skin ny, a. Consisting, or chiefly consisting, of skin; wanting flesh. Her skinny lips. Shak. [1913 Webster] He holds him with a skinny hand. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • skinny — (adj.) 1570s, resembling skin, from SKIN (Cf. skin) (n.). Meaning emaciated is recorded from c.1600. In the sense of the truth it is World War II military slang, perhaps from the notion of the naked truth. Skinny dipping recorded by 1959 …   Etymology dictionary

  • skinny — scrawny, rawboned, angular, gaunt, lank, lanky, *lean, spare Antonyms: fleshy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • skinny — [adj] very thin angular, bony, emaciated, gaunt, lank, lanky, lean, like a rail*, malnourished, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, skeletal, skin and bone*, slender, spare, twiggy, undernourished, underweight; concepts 490,491 Ant. chubby, fat, heavy,… …   New thesaurus

  • skinny — ► ADJECTIVE (skinnier, skinniest) 1) (of a person) unattractively thin. 2) (of an article of clothing) tight fitting. DERIVATIVES skinniness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • skinny — [skin′ē] adj. skinnier, skinniest 1. of or like skin 2. without much flesh; very thin 3. of inadequate size, growth, etc. n. Slang inside or confidential information; gossip skinniness n …   English World dictionary

  • skinny — skin|ny1 [ skıni ] adjective 1. ) very thin, in a way that is not attractive. Someone who is thin in an attractive way is slender or slim: As a kid she was always really skinny. skinny arms/legs 2. ) AMERICAN INFORMAL low in fat: a skinny latte 3 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • skinny — UK [ˈskɪnɪ] / US adjective Word forms skinny : adjective skinny comparative skinnier superlative skinniest 1) informal very thin, in a way that is not attractive. Someone who is thin in an attractive way is slender or slim As a kid she was always …   English dictionary

  • skinny — /ˈskɪni / (say skinee) adjective (skinnier, skinniest) 1. lean; emaciated. 2. of or like skin. 3. Colloquial having less than the usual fat content: skinny milk; a skinny cappuccino. 4. reduced by being shorter or less complicated: a skinny… …  

  • skinny — skinniness, n. /skin ee/, adj., skinnier, skinniest, n. adj. 1. very lean or thin; emaciated: a skinny little kitten. 2. of or like skin. 3. unusually low or reduced; meager; minimal: skinny profits. 4. (of an object) narrow or slender: a skinny… …   Universalium

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