
Noun. A uncouth, unsavoury and lazy person. Derog. Informal
Verb. To act in the manner of a slob. E.g."Are you going slob all day, or do something useful for a change."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • slob — slob; slob·ber·er; slob·ber·han·nes; slob·bery; slob·by; slob·ber; …   English syllables

  • Slob — may be:* Slob , 2002 song by Weezer on album Maladroit * SLOB, Ian Anderson album The Secret Language of Birds * Slob, pejorative reference to Bloods gang member …   Wikipedia

  • slob — /slob/, n. 1. a slovenly or boorish person. 2. Irish Eng. mud or ooze, esp. a stretch of mud along a shore. 3. Chiefly Canadian. sludge (def. 5). [1770 80; < Ir slab(a) mud, mire] * * * …   Universalium

  • slob — [ slab ] noun count INFORMAL someone who is lazy or messy …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slob — 1780, mud, muddy land, from Ir. slab mud, itself probably borrowed from English slab muddy place (c.1600), from a Scandinavian source (Cf. Icelandic slabb sludge ). The meaning untidy person is first recorded 1861 …   Etymology dictionary

  • slob — informal ► NOUN ▪ a lazy and slovenly person. ► VERB ▪ behave in a lazy and slovenly manner. DERIVATIVES slobbish adjective slobby adjective. ORIGIN Irish slab mud …   English terms dictionary

  • slob — [släb] n. [Ir slab, mud < Scand: see SLAB2] Informal a sloppy, coarse, or gross person slobby adj …   English World dictionary

  • slob —    This word is said to have an Irish origin, referring to soft mud on the sea shore, and specifically, to a large soft worm used in angling. From the latter it seems to have been applied, affectionately, to a fat and untidy child, then to any… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • SLOB — The SLOB (Simple List Of Blocks) is a one of three available of memory allocators (two other are SLAB, SLUB) in Linux kernel. The SLOB allocator, is designed to be a small and efficient allocation framework for use in small systems such as… …   Wikipedia

  • slob — I UK [slɒb] / US [slɑb] noun [countable] Word forms slob : singular slob plural slobs informal someone who is lazy or untidy II UK [slɒb] / US [slɑb] verb Phrasal verbs: slob around slob about …   English dictionary

  • slob — slob1 [slɔb US sla:b] n informal [Date: 1700 1800; : Irish Gaelic; Origin: slab mud ] someone who is lazy and untidy ▪ a lazy slob slob 2 slob2 v past tense and past participle slobbed present participle slobbing …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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