
Noun. Tobacco, or a cigarette. E.g."Have you got a snout John? I'm gasping for a smoke."

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Snout — (snout), n. [OE. snoute, probably of Scand, or Low German origin; cf. LG. snute, D. snuit, G. schnauze, Sw. snut, snyte, Dan. snude, Icel. sn?ta to blow the nose; probably akin to E. snuff, v.t. Cf. {Snite}, {Snot}, {Snuff}.] 1. The long,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snout|y — «SNOW tee», adjective, snout|i|er, snout|i|est. 1. resembling a snout or muzzle; having a pronounced or prominent snout: »The nose was ugly, long and big, Broad and snouty like a pig (Thomas Otway). 2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • snout — (n.) early 13c., trunk or projecting nose of an animal, from M.L.G. and M.Du. snute snout, from P.Gmc. *snut (Cf. Ger. Schnauze, Norw. snut, Dan. snude snout ), related to O.E. gesnot (see SNOT (Cf. snot)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • snout — snout; snout·ish; snout·less; …   English syllables

  • snout — [snout] n. [ME snoute, prob. < MDu snute, akin to Ger schnauze < IE base * snā , * sneu , to drip fluid, wetness > L natare, to swim, nutrire, to nurse] 1. a) the projecting nose and jaws, or muzzle, of an animal b) an anterior… …   English World dictionary

  • Snout — Snout, v. t. To furnish with a nozzle or point. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • snout — snau̇t n a long projecting nose (as of a swine) * * * (snout) the long, specialized upper lip and apex of the nose seen in pigs and certain other animals …   Medical dictionary

  • snout — [ snaut ] noun count 1. ) the long nose of a pig or a similar animal a ) the nose and mouth of a DOLPHIN or a similar animal 2. ) LITERARY something that looks like a snout, for example the front part of an airplane …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • snout|ed — «SNOW tihd», adjective. having a snout: »A group of snouted, slit eyed, sinister, and yet beautifully modelled Crusaders helmets... (New Yorker) …   Useful english dictionary

  • snout — [snaut] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Middle Dutch; Origin: and Middle Low German snut] 1.) the long nose of some kinds of animals, such as pigs 2.) BrE informal a criminal who gives information about other criminals to the police …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • snout — ► NOUN 1) the projecting nose and mouth of an animal. 2) the projecting front or end of something such as a pistol. 3) Brit. informal tobacco or a cigarette. 4) Brit. informal a police informer. DERIVATIVES snouted adjective. ORI …   English terms dictionary

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