
Verb. To add a phrase, clause or sentence in a context that is inappropriate. Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Spatchcock — Spatch cock , n. See {Spitchcock}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spatchcock — [spach′käk΄] Brit. vt. 1. to split open and broil (a fowl) 2. Informal a) to interpolate (a word or words) in or into a text, often hastily or inappropriately b) to put together so as to form a unit or whole, often a clumsy or incongruous one …   English World dictionary

  • Spatchcock — A spatchcock is a poussin or game bird that is prepared for roasting and broiling over a grill/spit, or a bird that has been cooked after being prepared in this way. The method of preparing the chicken involves removing the backbone and sternum… …   Wikipedia

  • spatchcock — /spach kok /, n. 1. a fowl that has been dressed and split open for grilling. v.t. 2. to prepare and roast (a fowl) in this manner. 3. to insert or interpolate, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner: Additional information has been spatchcocked… …   Universalium

  • spatchcock — 1. noun a) Chicken meat when prepared by spatchcocking. (See below.) b) A rushed effort. 2. verb a) To cut poultry along the spine and spread …   Wiktionary

  • spatchcock — spatch·cock || spætʃkÉ‘k / kÉ’k n. chicken or other fowl that is cut into two lengthwise and then grilled or roasted on a skewer v. prepare a chicken or other fowl for grilling by splitting it open down the back …   English contemporary dictionary

  • spatchcock — noun a chicken or game bird split open and grilled. verb 1》 prepare (a poultry or game bird) in this way. 2》 informal, chiefly Brit. add (a phrase, sentence, etc.) in a context where it is inappropriate. Origin C18 (orig. an Ir. usage): perh.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • spatchcock — spatch·cock …   English syllables

  • spatchcock — spatch•cock [[t]ˈspætʃˌkɒk[/t]] n. 1) cvb coo a fowl that has been dressed and split open for grilling 2) cvb coo to prepare and roast (a fowl) in this manner 3) cvb to insert or interpolate, esp. in a forced or incongruous manner • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • spatchcock — /ˈspætʃkɒk/ (say spachkok) noun 1. a chicken, especially a small one, split in half, and usually served grilled. –verb (t) 2. to prepare (a chicken) for serving in this manner. {probably alteration of spitchcock} …  

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