
Noun. Imbecile, socially inept person, objectionable person. Also spas. Derived from spastic. Offens.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • spaz — ☆ spaz [spaz ] n. Slang someone regarded with contempt as being clumsy, awkward, stupid, odd, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Spaz — (auch Spacio, Spatio, Spatz, Spätz, Spazzio, Speza, Spezza und in anderen Varianten) ist der Name einer Familie von Baumeistern, Architekten, Maurer , Steinmetzen und Bildhauermeistern des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Familie stammt aus Lanzo d… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • spaz — /spaz/, n. Slang. 1. a grotesquely awkward person. 2. an eccentric person. Also, spazz. [1960 65; shortening and alter. of SPASTIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • spaz — (n.) also spazz, by 1965, U.S. teen slang, apparently a derogatory shortening of SPASTIC (Cf. spastic). Also used as a verb …   Etymology dictionary

  • spaz — (spaz), n. usage: This term is used with disparaging intent, esp. by children, and is perceived as insulting to disabled people. sl.: disp. and off. off (a term used to refer to a stupid, dull, awkward, or odd person.) • Etymology: 1960–65;… …   From formal English to slang

  • spaz — ˈspaz noun (plural spazzes) Etymology: by shortening & alteration from spastic (II) slang : one who is inept : klutz …   Useful english dictionary

  • spaz — [spsez] 1. n. a fit or an attack; a strong reaction to a bad or funny situation. □ My father had a spaz when he heard. □ Take it easy! Don’t have a spaz. 2. n. a total jerk; someone who overreacts to something. (Not used for a congenitally… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • spaz — /spæz/ (say spaz) Colloquial –noun 1. a stupid person. –adjective 2. stupid. –phrase 3. chuck a spaz, to lose one s temper. Also, spazzo. {shortened form of spastic} …  

  • spaz — 1. noun a) A stupid person. “I was so in control from tee to green, the best Ive played for years... But as soon as I got on the green I was a spaz.” b) A hyperactive person. See Also: spack, spastic 2 …   Wiktionary

  • spaz out — 1. in. to overreact to something; to become overly excited about something. □ I knew you would spaz out! It’s not that bad! □ Come on, don’t spaz out! 2. n. an emotional display. (Usually spaz out.) □ There’s no need for a spaz out! …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • spaz down — in. to relax. □ Spaz down, man! Chill out! □ We tried to get the crowd to spaz down, but they were very excited …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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