tommy K

tommy K
Noun. Tomato ketchup.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • tommy — tommy …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Tommy — is a given name that is the English diminutive of Thomas and could refer to:* Thomson s Gazelles, commonly referred to as tommys * Thompson submachine gun, also known as the Tommy Gun * Tommy Atkins, a generic nickname for a British soldier,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tommy — puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Películas y álbumes de música 2 Deportistas 3 Músicos y actores 4 Otros personajes famosos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tommy — Обложка альбома «Tommy» (The Who, 1969) 2 LP The Who Дата выпуска 23 мая 1969 Записан IBC Студия, Лондон Великобритании 19 сентября 1968 – 7 января 1969 Жанр Прогр …   Википедия

  • tommy — [ tɔmi ] n. m. • 1901; mot angl., dimin. de Thomas Atkins, nom traditionnel du simple soldat (1815) ♦ Vieilli Soldat anglais. Les tommies. ● tommy, tommies ou tommys nom masculin (anglais tommy, abréviation de Thomas) Surnom familier donné au… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tommy — Tom my, n. 1. Bread, generally a penny roll; the supply of food carried by workmen as their daily allowance. [Slang,Eng.] [1913 Webster] 2. A truck, or barter; the exchange of labor for goods, not money. [Slang, Eng.] [1913 Webster] Note: Tommy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tommy — bezeichnet: Thomas, als Vertraulichkeitsform Tommy (Soldat), umgangssprachlich ein britischer Soldat Tommy (The Who), ein Konzeptalbum und Musical der Rockgruppe The Who Tommy (Film), die Verfilmung der Rock Oper von The Who Tommy February6 bzw.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tommy Ho — Carrière professionnelle 1988 – 1997 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tommy — British soldier, 1884, from Thomas Atkins, since 1815 the sample name for filling in army forms. Tommy gun (1929) is short for Thompson gun (see THOMPSON (Cf. Thompson)). Soon extended to other types of sub machine gun, especially those favored… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Tommy — [täm′ē] n. pl. Tommies [clipped from Tommy Atkins (for Thomas Atkins, fictitious name used in Brit army sample forms] [also t ] [Brit. Informal] Brit. Informal a private in the British army …   English World dictionary

  • Tommy —    Drame musical de Ken Russell, d après l opéra rock de Peter Townshend et The Who, avec Roger Daltrey, Oliver Reed, Ann Margret, Elton John, Tina Turner, Eric Clapton, Robert Powell, Jack Nicholson.   Pays: Grande Bretagne   Date de sortie:… …   Dictionnaire mondial des Films

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