toss off

toss off
Verb. To masturbate. Term applied to males. E.g."He's been tossing himself off for last 2 hours, whilst watching Miss World." 1700s

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • toss off — (something) to do or say something quickly, easily, and sometimes without thought. He simply tossed off a comment about what women want and it got him into a lot of trouble. He had a great memory for jokes, and could just toss them off one after… …   New idioms dictionary

  • toss off — ► toss off 1) drink (something) rapidly or all at once. 2) produce rapidly or without thought or effort. 3) Brit. vulgar slang masturbate. Main Entry: ↑toss …   English terms dictionary

  • toss off — verb 1. drink down entirely He downed three martinis before dinner She killed a bottle of brandy that night They popped a few beer after work • Syn: ↑pop, ↑bolt down, ↑belt down, ↑pour down, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • toss off — phrasal verb Word forms toss off : present tense I/you/we/they toss off he/she/it tosses off present participle tossing off past tense tossed off past participle tossed off informal 1) [transitive] to do something quickly, easily, and without… …   English dictionary

  • toss off — {v. phr.} 1. To drink rapidly; drain. * /He tossed off two drinks and left./ 2. To make or say easily without trying or thinking hard. * /She tossed off smart remarks all during dinner./ * /He thinks a reporter should be able to toss off an… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • toss off — {v. phr.} 1. To drink rapidly; drain. * /He tossed off two drinks and left./ 2. To make or say easily without trying or thinking hard. * /She tossed off smart remarks all during dinner./ * /He thinks a reporter should be able to toss off an… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • toss\ off — v. phr. 1. To drink rapidly; drain. He tossed off two drinks and left. 2. To make or say easily without trying or thinking hard. She tossed off smart remarks all during dinner. He thinks a reporter should be able to toss off an article every few… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • toss off — 1) drink rapidly He tossed off a couple of drinks before he went home for the evening. 2) make or say easily without trying or thinking hard He was able to toss off the answer to the question easily when the teacher asked him …   Idioms and examples

  • toss off — verb a) To drink up rapidly. Let me toss off this beer first. b) To masturbate …   Wiktionary

  • Toss off — 1. (of a male) ejaculate sperm; have an orgasm; 2. (of a male) masturbate; 3. produce casually: toss off a poem …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • toss off — Australian Slang 1. (of a male) ejaculate sperm; have an orgasm; 2. (of a male) masturbate; 3. produce casually: toss off a poem …   English dialects glossary

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