
Noun. A woollen jumper or cardigan.

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • Woolly — Wool ly, a. 1. Consisting of wool; as, a woolly covering; a woolly fleece. [1913 Webster] 2. Resembling wool; of the nature of wool. My fleece of woolly hair. Shak. [1913 Webster] 3. Clothed with wool. Woolly breeders. Shak. [1913 Webster] 4.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • woolly — [wool′ē] adj. woollier, woolliest 1. of or like wool 2. bearing wool 3. covered with wool or something resembling wool in texture ☆ 4. having characteristics of the early frontier life of the western U.S.; rough and uncivilized: used chiefly in… …   English World dictionary

  • woolly — ► ADJECTIVE (woollier, woolliest) 1) made of wool. 2) (of an animal or plant) covered with wool or hair resembling wool. 3) resembling wool in texture or appearance. 4) confused or unclear. ► NOUN (pl. woollies …   English terms dictionary

  • woolly — [[t]w ʊli[/t]] woollies (in AM, also use wooly) 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Something that is woolly is made of wool or looks like wool. She wore this woolly hat with pompoms. 2) N COUNT A woolly is a woollen piece of clothing, especially a sweater. [BRIT …   English dictionary

  • woolly — I UK [ˈwʊlɪ] / US adjective Word forms woolly : adjective woolly comparative woollier superlative woolliest 1) informal made from wool, or similar to wool a woolly sweater 2) confused and not clear a woolly theory Derived word: wooliness noun… …   English dictionary

  • woolly — woolliness, n. /wool ee/, adj., woollier, woolliest, n., pl. woollies. adj. 1. consisting of wool: a woolly fleece. 2. resembling wool in texture or appearance: woolly hair. 3. clothed or covered with wool or something resembling it: a woolly… …   Universalium

  • woolly — I. adjective also wooly (woollier; est) Date: 15th century 1. a. resembling wool b. of, relating to, or bearing wool 2. a. lacking in clearness or sharpness of outline < a woolly TV picture > b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • woolly — wool|ly1 BrE wooly [ˈwuli] adj AmE 1.) made of or feeling like wool ▪ a woolly hat 2.) not showing clear thinking = ↑vague ▪ He gave a rather woolly argument. >woolliness n [U] woolly 2 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • woolly — adjective a) Made of wool. woolly hair b) Having a thick, soft texture, as if made of wool. Thats the sort of woolly thinking that causes wars to start. See Also: woolly minded, wooly minded …   Wiktionary

  • woolly — adjective 1) a woolly hat Syn: woolen, wool, fleecy 2) a sheep s woolly coat Syn: fleecy, shaggy, hairy, fluffy, flocculent 3) woolly generalizations Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • woolly — wool•ly or wooly [[t]ˈwʊl i[/t]] adj. wool•li•er or wool•i•er, wool•li•est or wool•i•est, 1) consisting of or resembling wool: a woolly fleece; woolly hair[/ex] 2) clothed or covered with wool or something like it 3) like the rough, vigorous… …   From formal English to slang

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