boob tube

boob tube
Noun. 1. The television. Orig. U.S. 1950s
2. A tight, strapless top worn by females that is a basic tube of material. Informal

English slang and colloquialisms. 2014.

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  • boob tube — boob tubes 1) N SING: the N The boob tube is the television. [mainly AM, INFORMAL] ...hours spent in front of the boob tube. (in BRIT, use idiot box) 2) N COUNT A boob tube is a piece of women s clothing made of stretchy material that covers only …   English dictionary

  • boob tube — television set, U.S. slang, by 1965, from BOOB (Cf. boob) stupid person + slang TUBE (Cf. tube) television, television programming, because the sets really did have vacuum tubes in them once upon a time …   Etymology dictionary

  • boob tube — n 1.) BrE a piece of women s clothing made of material that stretches, that covers her chest American Equivalent: tube top 2.) the boob tube AmE informal the television …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • boob tube — boob ,tube noun 1. ) the boob tube AMERICAN INFORMAL the television 2. ) count BRITISH a TUBE TOP …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • boob tube — boob′ tube n. sl. 1) cvb inf television 2) cvb inf a television set • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • boob tube — ► NOUN 1) Brit. informal a woman s tight fitting strapless top. 2) N. Amer. informal television; a television set …   English terms dictionary

  • boob tube — ☆ boob tube n. Slang television or a television set …   English World dictionary

  • Boob tube — The phrase boob tube can mean:* Boob tube, American and Canadian slang for a television set * Boob tube, in Australian, British, South African, and Canadian English slang, a tube top, from boobs meaning female breasts * The Boob Tube (1975 film) …   Wikipedia

  • boob tube — UK / US noun Word forms boob tube : singular boob tube plural boob tubes 1) [countable] British a tight piece of women s clothing like a round tube that covers the chest but not the shoulders 2) the boob tube American informal the television …   English dictionary

  • boob-tube — [“bub”tub] n. a television set. (Something for a boob to watch.) □ You spend too much time in front of the boob tube. □ What’s on the boob tube tonight? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • boob tube — noun (C) 1 BrE a piece of women s clothing made of stretchy material, that covers only her chest; tube top AmE 2 the boob tube AmE informal the television (1): sitting around watching the boob tube …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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